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If you've ever been afflicted with writer's block, you'll know it's no laughing matter — it can impede your writing for days, weeks, or even months. And while it's tempting to just ignore the problem and hope that it goes away, writer's block is one of those pests that requires active extermination. That's why we've put together this post all about how to overcome writer’s block, complete with info on what actually causes this conundrum, as well as what you can do to avoid it! For instance: • If your computer is too close to bedtime and causes insomnia, keep some magazines handy so there are things nearby to read when you get tired. • Time away from writing is also essential. You can read the same book more than once, or take a break by swimming, volunteering, or doing some other activity that will help you to think. • Try to exercise every day; it'll help you to get more oxygen into your brain and keep it more alert. • If possible, make time to play with your dog or cat (or both!) every day. Your pet will help you to relax and recharge your batteries for another day of writing. • Make a list of all the things you want and need to do, including those that you enjoy; then do those things before getting serious about writing.The key is not to stop writing but to approach the muses as one might approach a child: gently, tenderly, even playfully. How does that work? Well, follow these tips: • Be willing to commit lots of time and energy to the pursuit of your passion. And remember: if this means giving something up – a TV show or a weekly dinner date – so be it. Sacrifices will be rewarded. • Take breaks. Everyone needs to take breaks. Sometimes writer’s block is just a form of being overwhelmed. If you feel that way, clear your desk, go for a walk or just do something else that doesn’t involve writing for a couple of hours or so. • Smooth out your daily writing habits if needed. Schedule writing time in advance; write at the same time every day; make regular editing/cleaning appointments with yourself (when you know how often you write, this is not hard). • Take advantage of the power of positive thinking, especially if this means watching funny TV shows or listening to upbeat music that might put you in a better mood. • Don’t let the idea of writer’s block hold you back. You can do it if you believe in yourself, and know you are not alone. We are here for you.There are several reasons why your Kindle book sales might be stagnant or falling. Some of the biggest reasons sellers run into include:• Readers Found Another Author to Enjoy – It happens all the time. Readers find one author that they really enjoy, then they go on to read everything that author has published on Amazon because they know quality will not be an issue for them. cfa1e77820

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